On Thursday 20 April at 6.30 p.m., Fabio Falsaperla’s La Nuvola Art Gallery will inaugurate Mario Ceroli’s solo exhibition, Esserci e mai apparire, curated by Maurizio Calvesi. The event includes an exhibition of unpublished works created by the artist in the 1990s. About sixty wooden sculptures of different sizes will populate the spaces of the Roman gallery like so many micro-inhabitants.
Mario Ceroli, a master of international renown and one of the most important on the contemporary art scene, has distinguished himself from the very beginning for his particular stylistic trait, characterised by the use of simple and ductile materials such as wood, and for his creative genius that has led him to create works of great format and strong emotional impact. His works have revolutionised the way of making sculpture and have taken part in the most important contemporary art exhibitions and shows from the 1960s to the present day.
On the occasion of the exhibition, the De Luca Editore catalogue will be distributed, which will accompany the public through the exhibition. In the introduction, conceived by Maurizio Calvesi as a “fable” of clear futurist derivation, the critic imagines meeting the wooden creatures made by the artist who, in a conversation that is both ironic and fantastic at the same time, reveal to Maurizio Calvesi, and thus to the public, Mario Ceroli’s “real name”: Kaer Oly. […] Does anyone understand Italian?” I murmured discouragedly, as old men, old men, tripods, whinnies, ticchi, frulli, misirizzi, trisulchi, versieri criss-crossed around me. “Kaer oly! Kaer oly!” replied some in chorus, testily. They were gnomes, locusts, little devils, butterflies, “berlicche”, “stranferli”, “trucioli”, “pinzillacchere” (The untranslated words are part of that extraordinary creativity of Prof. Maurizio Calvesi, also from the point of view of vocabulary, with elegant neologisms”.