It is the warmth given off by the worked materials that has led artist Patrizia Castaldi, a painter and sculptor who has been active for many years, to recover ancient traditions, such as those of the Bakota tribes, and to construct very interesting sculptural works that, starting Wednesday 24 May, will be on display at the La Nuvola Gallery in Rome. A path, presented after several years of absence of the artist from the exhibition spaces, which highlights an unequivocal abstract style linked to geometric volumes and expressed in a constant search for almost elementary but essential forms.
The title of the exhibition, Mondi diversi (Different Worlds), represents the cultural interactions and interpolations with different types of materials that Castaldi treats with lightness and simplicity: from wood to iron, from copper to brass, a flexible and extremely ductile alloy that takes on sinuous and sensual forms, in its yellow-gold colour, open to multiple sensorial interpretations. A work that certainly expresses a soul, perceptible, in its forms, even over time, despite the changes in colour caused by oxidation.The works created – about twenty of which will be on display at the exhibition – bind different materials and elements to build a cosmic order, in an absolute harmony of proportions and calibrated compositional measure. A parallel journey of eye and mind in which the logical and mathematical structure that characterises the artist’s expressiveness plays in balance between foreground and background, between the façade of first perception and the elongated gaze of three-dimensionality.