Giosetta Fioroni – Carte d’Argento – 12.11.08

On Wednesday 12 November, at 6.30 pm, Giosetta Fioroni’s personal exhibition entitled Carte d’Argento will be inaugurated at the Galleria La Nuvola. The exhibition includes a group of historical works on paper ranging from 1963 to 1970. Fioroni worked in those years with an industrial silver paint. The exhibition itinerary closes with the screening of the short films made by Giosetta Fioroni in 1967: Coppie, La solitudine femminile, Gioco (starring Pino Pascali), Goffredo. The films, of short duration, have an autobiographical slant, with particular attention for the female world.

Today’s cards are handmade in 2008 on special sheets of paper. Poetry and literature, which have always been the author’s favorite themes, are the basis of these new works. Thus images are born that develop through parallel and non-illustrative ideograms of the chosen texts, and which no longer depend directly on the texts but develop some of their many virtualities. Even in recent papers the use of the ancient silver industrial paint predominates.On this occasion, the book Colapesce, by Raffaele La Capria, will be presented, with 12 watercolors by Giosetta Fioroni, Drago Edizioni, Bagheria Palermo, 2008. A ceramic “theatre”, expressly created by Fioroni in Faenza at the Bottega Gatti, is dedicated to the tale of Colapesce. Since the early 1960s Giosetta Fioroni has been part, the only female exponent, of the movement called “Scuola di Piazza del Popolo”. After some periods spent in Paris between 1958 and 1963, the artist exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1964, an edition that established the success of Pop Art.

There are numerous museums that own his works (the GNAM and the MACRO in Rome, the MAMBo in Bologna, just to name a few). With this new solo show, the La Nuvola Gallery continues the research, which began a few decades ago, dedicated to the Scuola di Piazza del Popolo, hosting personal and collective exhibitions of the protagonists of the Roman season.