Giosetta Fioroni – Il Teatro della Vita – 12.12.13

The exhibition ‘Giosetta Fioroni, Il Teatro della Vita’ curated by Eva Bellini opens on Thursday 12 December, in the presence of the artist. After the major exhibitions at the Drawing Center Museum in New York – where it was held from 4 April to 2 June 2013 – and at the Museum of Modern Art in Rome (current), gallery owner Fabio Falsaperla has been collecting the artist’s works since 1960 to 2013.

From sculpture to painting, to drawing: silver papers, paintings on canvas, drawings, theatres. Among the many surprises on display there is also a new series of small-sized ceramics. ‘Dresses’ inspired by heroines of beloved books: Goethe, Theodor Fontane, Ippolito Nievo, Musil, Turghenev, James, Kawabata and Berg. The faceless dolls evoke legendary figures, ancient fairy tales and modern women.

The poetic, visionary and feminine nature of Giosetta Fioroni sculpts with the ductility of ceramic all the pathos of women such as Ottilia, Agatha, Daisy Miller, Lulù, Komako, Marylin Monroe, Jane Austen and many others.

The exhibition will be accompanied by an artist’s book ‘My Story’, published by Maurizio Corraini. A ‘special diary’ of Giosetta Fioroni’s artistic career and her life’s work.

La Nuvola, beyond research into the contemporary, is based on the presentation of the artists who wrote, through their works, some of the most beautiful and important pages in the history of Italian art of the sixties and seventies.